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Fresh Blood Page 18

  “That does sound like what we’ve seen before, but these ones have surprised us before. Perhaps they will again. Stay tuned, dear viewers, and when we return, we’ll take a look at how things are heating up in the wastes.

  And remember, sometimes a job just needs an extra hand to get things done. Get yours today at Mutalabs and mention us here at GBK for a special discount!”


  Renessa leaned back and smiled, “That is an interesting proposal, lizard boy. Here’s the question though: your place or ours?”

  Koale heistated, “A few moments ago, I would have said here without question. You have a farm set up. With potential visitors, however? I am not so sure.”

  The two discussed the options and weighed the pros and cons of one location over the other. Both Trent and Felix shot glares at all involved during the debate and were soundly ignored.

  “So, we are agreed then?” said Renessa.

  “Agreed,” said Koale. “We can set out in the morning to salvage what we can from the tree house and pick up Liz.”

  “Liz? I thought you two said you were alone?”

  Koale shot a look at Felix. “We are. Liz is a baby lizard we found here. Felix took a liking to her, and that was that.”

  “So you were starving but had a pet?”

  “I do believe the phrase used was, ‘Friend, not food.’”

  Renessa laughed. “Well, we'll sort all that out on the way there tomorrow. You lot can sleep on the floor in our hut tonight, but I expect you to find your own place tomorrow.”

  With that Renessa stood and beckoned Trent to follow. He did so, grumbling under his breath. She kissed his cheek and they disappeared into the hut.

  “I disapprove of all of that,” said Felix.

  “What? They are a lovely couple, if initially abrasive.”

  “Yes, but not what I meant. I meant about merging our camps. I don’t like it.”

  Koale sighed in exasperation. “We were starving. Slowly, but starving. They have a farm.”

  Felix held up a hand. “I didn’t say it was the wrong choice. I just don’t like it. That Trent guy is an asshole.”

  “I’m sure you two will become fast friends in time. Now come on and stop sulking. We’ve got a long day tomorrow if we don’t want to spend two nights on the floor.”

  Felix ended up with the same chunk of floor where he had woken up bound just a few hours before. The hut was dark and he couldn’t see anything. Still, he swore he could feel Trent glaring at him.

  Felix closed his eyes. He so hated this planet.

  Koale woke him in the morning. He held out another roasted tuber. “Peace offering,” he said with a smile.

  Felix stretched, working out the kinks and sore spots from sleeping on the ground before digging in. He checked the room for the couple, but they weren’t in sight. “You sure this is a good idea?”

  “No, but I’m sure I don’t have a better one. We need more hands, Felix. We have too much to do on our own, and these two can secure our food stocks.”

  “I was afraid you’d say that. Fine, I’m on board. I’ll be downright charming.”

  Koale helped Felix to his feet. “No doubts in my mind. Now shall we?”

  “Lead on.”

  Outside it was just past daybreak. Trent and Renessa were in the fields. Trent held a hoe slung over his shoulder as he examined the rows. Renessa squat down and pulled some weeds.

  “Anything we can do to help?” asked Felix and they ambled over.

  “No offense,” said Renessa, “But Trent did have a point about starving in a jungle. I’d rather you two turn your hands to just about anything but the food stock.”

  Felix mimed injury. “You wound me. In that case, is there anything that needs prepared before our trek?”

  “In a manner of speaking. Over by the fire there, we’ve laid out a sort of a welcoming present.” She gestured to a small pile on one of the bench logs.

  Two neat stacks sat on the log. One set of the same patchwork leather clothing the couple wore for each of them.

  Felix changed into his new outfit with haste, grinning broadly. He had missed being clothed more than he cared to admit. He felt so vulnerable without it, not that the leather would do much against any of the threats he had seen so far.

  He hurried back to the field, “Thank you so much. I can’t begin to say-”

  Trent interrupted, “Shut up. It ain’t generosity. I’m tired of seeing your junk through that sorry excuse for a skirt. Now get out of the way, while we finish with the crops.”

  With a mock bow, Felix saw himself back to the fire where he sat with Koale while Trent and Renessa finished their chores.

  When the couple finally finished and headed their way, Felix said, “You know, we don’t need an escort if it is going to disrupt what you guys have going on here.”

  Trent pointed a thumb at his wife. "She's going because she thinks it sounds neat and that you two can use a hand moving."

  "Oh that's thoughtful."

  "I’m going because I don't trust you not to meet some grizzly end between here and there. While I can't say I give a damn if you are eaten, I am quite fond of Nessa."

  Koale nodded, "Fair point, really. That has happened before."

  Trent just shrugged as if that was obvious.

  Renessa strolled up. "If you two are done with the pissing contest, shall we head out?"

  "I wasn't-!"

  Trent interrupted with a grin, "You heard the lady. Lead on."

  Felix turned on his heel and stalked out into the jungle.

  The walk was not short and Felix's annoyance faded quickly. He was bored and so he began to make plans.

  "Will we be able to scale up the farm production enough to feed all four of us?"

  "No, we won't," said Renessa. "I was teasing earlier, but Trent and I have things efficiently set up with the crops and I don't want you two muddling it up. But yes, we can provide food for all of us."

  "Okay, that's one thing then." Felix continued walking as he thought.

  They didn't know if the raiders would be back again, but it was a good guess. Trent had said the pirates had come from the trees and pinned them against the water.

  They couldn't compete with the numbers, or the metal tools, but maybe they could do something?

  "Hey, don't go thinking that you can just lounge about, letting us do all the work."

  "Last thing on my mind," said Felix. "I was actually trying to think of a way to protect ourselves if raiders came again."

  "It might be best," said Koale, "To wait until we've combined research and see what options we have available."

  "For specifics, surely. But, from what I understand, nothing we build at this point is going to even the odds, right?"

  "About the size of it," said Renessa

  "Then we don't need to worry about defense, or at least, not really."

  "And now you've lost me," she said.

  "Well, if they show up, we can't really stop them from torching everything. We've all had to restart here before from nothing at least once. It is awful and slow. What we need to do is make them think they torched it all."

  Trent snorted. "And we do that, how?"

  "That is a wonderful question. I will let you know when I have an answer."

  The four bounced ideas off each other until at last the tree house was visible through the trees.

  At the sight of the house, Felix jogged ahead and up the ladder. Liz chirped at Felix and scurried up to her perch on his shoulder.

  Felix grinned, “Hey there girl. Missed you too. You’re getting pretty big to be up here though, you know?”

  Liz rubbed her face against Felix’s ear and settled in, balancing precariously across both shoulders.

  “Oh my!” Renessa’s voice came from the ladder. Felix looked over and her head was just cresting the ledge. “She’s so cute!”

  Renessa rushed over. “May I pet her?”

  Felix nodded.
r />   Renessa held her hand out for Liz to sniff and then cautiously pet the lizard. Liz chirped contentedly and wiggled, causing her tail to lash Felix’s ear.

  Felix laughed and tried to constrain the tail.

  “You two about done up there?” called Koale.

  Felix look down and saw both Koale and Trent looking impatient by the fire pit.

  “We do have things to do today, in case you’ve forgot,” added Trent.

  Renessa called down, “I’m going to look around up here. I’m sure you guys can figure it out down there without me.” She then whispered to Liz, “More pets later, girl.”

  Felix climbed down the ladder.

  Koale and Trent were already discussing what to take with them. “The cookware we can leave,” said Koale, “You’ve already got the spit and more dishes is a simple matter. I didn’t see a pulper anywhere- is that correct?”

  “That’s right. What about that there?” Trent pointed at the workbench.

  “A work bench. We’ll want one, but it was cheap to make. Easier to rebuild one than try and haul that.”

  Trent nodded.

  Koale looked at Felix, “I’m going to want more of those mushrooms before we leave the area.”

  Felix grinned. “Sure thing, I’ll just show Trent how to harvest them.”

  Koale rolled his eyes and started to break things down into take and leave piles.

  Felix led Trent around to the burrow under the tree. He squatted down and pointed at the mushrooms. “These are the ones Koale wants. You can only find them in burrows like this. Do you think you can handle nabbing a couple?”

  Trent looked at the mushrooms and then at Felix. “What’s the catch?”

  Felix shrugged, “I can grab them if you want.”

  “No, I’ll do it.” Trent lay down and reached into the burrow. “What are these for, anyway?”

  “Real useful stuff,” said Felix. “Good for medicinal purposes.” Trent’s hand clasped a mushroom. “Very potent local anesthetic,” Felix continued, careful to keep his face straight.

  Trent’s hand went limp and he looked at Felix with alarm on his face. “I can’t feel my hand! It won’t move!”

  Felix couldn’t keep back a chunkle any longer. Panic faded from Trent’s face and anger replaced it. By the time Trent had got a few mushrooms out of the burrow, he was red with rage. Felix for his part was crying from laughter and his sides ached.

  Trent looked over at Felix and his expression cooled. He smiled. “Here’s your mushrooms!”

  Trent slapped a handful of mushrooms against the side of Felix’s face. “Oh, I’m so sorry! It’s just so hard to control my hand right now,” Trent said around a broad grin. He turned and walked away.

  Felix’s face went slack on one side. His mouth drooped and his eye closed. He couldn’t even find it in himself to be mad. It wasn’t like he hadn’t started this round.

  Felix pocketed the mushrooms and followed Trent back to the group. Perhaps this wouldn’t be quite so bad after all.

  By the time the two had got back to the ladder, Koale and Renessa had finished deciding what would be brought, and what would be left behind.

  Koale noticed them approach first, and just sighed. The sound drew Renessa’s attention, and a sharp gasp. “What happened?”

  Trent and Felix looked at each other and then to Renessa. It was Koale that spoke up, however. “Don’t worry about it. They were idiots. It will wear off shortly.”

  Felix dropped his gaze, not looking his friend in the eye. “Anyway, you two seemed to have figured out what’s what from up in the house?”

  Koale nodded. “We’re taking the research, obviously. Other than that, mostly just basic materials, tools and my experiments. We did test it and you can break down furniture into some base material, but we’re already going to have a lot to carry, and it isn’t really worth it.”

  “Did you remember to grab the beacon?”

  Koale’s crest raised. “You still have that?”

  “Yeah. I didn’t show you? It’s in a padded compartment near the roof. I wanted to make sure it wouldn’t be damaged if another worm took out the tree.”


  “We’ve got a long trek back. I’ll tell you about it on the way.”


  The trek back to the new camp had them all in good spirits. Felix wore the old bag with the beacon in it, and Liz rode on his shoulders, one claw atop his head.

  Talk mostly focused on what each group had researched and speculation on what the combined lists might yield. Trent and Renessa had not done any T2 research, so all of that would be new to them. They did have a lot of farming related research, however, and that might make for some unusual additions.

  It was late afternoon by the time they made it in. Everyone was exhausted, but there was more to do yet. Materials were offloaded into neat piles. There was more than a few sighs of relief as inventories emptied.

  All Felix had left on him was his spear and the beacon. “Where do we want the beacon?”

  Renessa threw a thumb towards the hut. “Put it in our hut for now. We can find a better place later.”

  Felix walked in and set the bag on the floor. He took a moment to stretch and roll out his shoulders. He was certainly stronger than when he had arrived, but days like this one still made him ache.

  He knelt down to get out the beacon. He figured he’d stash it beside the research desk. It wasn’t a great place, but it would be out of the way for now. Felix grabbed the beacon out of the bag and stood.

  A chittering came out of the bag and Felix’s heart dropped. A familiar infuriating ball of fur came boiling out of the bag and ran past Koale on its way out the door.

  “No! Damnit, that thing followed me!”

  “Oh, good! Hopefully that means we’ll have another easy source of those mushrooms.”


  “And remind me again, which of us carried our dear friend on their back to our new home?”

  Felix sighed and put the beacon down beside the desk.

  Koale leaned over the desk, several sheets of paper in his hand. He held the stack over the leaves of the couple’s research. “We’re sure about this?” he said.

  “If we aren’t, it is a bit late now.”

  “You always say the most comforting things, my friend,” said Koale as he dropped the stack. “As much as I’d like to delve into the results of that right now, we should probably see about making ourselves somewhere to sleep first?”

  Felix gasped in mock horror. “Research? Wait until later? Are you feeling well?”

  “I have to admit, I have grown rather fond of a roof over my head, and something resembling a bed at my back.”

  Felix grinned, “Well, it shouldn't take long. I’d not be surprised if we already have most the materials on hand after that trip today.”

  They walked outside and surveyed the camp. As impressive as it was by their recent standards, it still wasn’t all that much to look at.

  A lone hut faced away from the beach. To one side of the entrance were several long troughs filled with dirt and crops. A few small crates sat near the head of the rows. On the other side, the small cookfire and benches. A spit and some plates and bowls were stacked neatly to the side.

  No, it wasn’t much to look at yet, but it would be soon. First though, a place to sleep.

  “Right there?” Felix pointed to a spot between the crops and the beach.

  Koale considered. “There’s not much room there. It’s low tide right now. We won’t have much room to work with if we want to avoid potential flooding.”

  “My thought exactly. We don’t need much room for just us. If we aren’t stuck in the tree, we don’t need to cram everything into one tiny hut.”

  Shortly they had the blueprint for a small hut prepared. It was sparse inside, with only the plans for a bed and small chest each. Felix managed to make a “wall” sideways to create a small shelf above his bed. He’d deck
it out into a nice bed for Liz.

  Trent was working the fields, ignoring the budding construction plans. Renessa, however, stopped her work as the blueprints were finished. She nodded approval. “Looks good guys. Remember, walls and roof first, in case we don’t have enough on hand. You can finish the rest tomorrow if needed.”

  Between what the couple had on hand before their arrival and the salvaged supplies, the construction was pretty far along by the time it was too dark to work. Walls and roof were up, they had a wooden floor and a bed. They’d have opted for both beds over the floor, but neither wanted to move already completed furniture around to construct the floor later.

  One bed, however, raised issues.

  “Rock, paper scissors?”

  “Not at all. The way I see it, we each got a bed.”

  Felix looked at the bed. “We ain’t sharing.”

  “Of course not. That one is mine. You have one too, you just opted to make yours for your lizard.”

  “I-, but-.” Felix sighed. “Fine, but we are finishing this up first thing in the morning.”

  Koale grinned and climbed into the sole bed. “Sleep well!”

  Felix grumbled and laid down on the floor.

  Shortly after breakfast the next day the new house was finished and furnished. The tier 2 research showed on the construction of the hut. Instead of walls made of little more than stripped logs, the walls were planed and even. The beams of the roof were notched and fit together snugly.

  They would have to consider rebuilding Renessa and Trent’s hut once they had material to splurge. It was a fairly significant improvement.

  The couple were hard at work in the fields. Renessa had gone out early in the day to check their snares and came back with a few gliders and some sort of bird. Felix butchered them at the campfire while Koale went and checked on their research gains.

  It turns out one of the small chests was for food- both cooked meat and harvested vegetables. The other was chock full of hides, bones, feathers and other animal viscera. Felix didn’t have anything to do with them now, but he noted their presence with interest.